Inspire the next generation this Biology Week

Biology Week is a national celebration of the Biosciences and presents a wonderful opportunity to help you inspire the next generation of budding Biologists! Across the UK there are events going on in schools, town centres and work places to promote the exciting world of Biology and how it shapes the world around us. Our latest blog explores ways in which you can get involved.

We’re asking you to get in touch with us to tell us what you’re doing for Biology week, and how you’re getting your students and the wider public involved. There are several tips below on what you can do:

  • Nature Walks

This can be done anywhere, you don’t need sprawling green spaces for this. This can be done in a school yard, a sports pitch or, if you’re lucky, a meadow or wooded area close to your school. All you need for this is a pitfall trap or a quadrat. When you select your area count the insects and bugs in the area and encourage the class to report back.

  • Get creative

Biology Week is a great opportunity to get creative. Whether or not you make a papier-mache cell, make a wormery or ask your class to write a biology-based poem, this is a great opportunity to show that, on occasion, the arts and science can mix!

  • Involve the whole school

The main objective of Biology Week is to encourage the wider public, and those that aren’t Biologists, to get take an interest in the bio sciences. So why not host an event the whole school can get involved in? Schools in the past have hosted everything from the Great Biology Bakeoff to having careers days which focus on the biosciences and how the apply across different areas of career development.

Share your ideas and pictures of Biology Week with us on Twitter, and we will send the best one a Philip Harris tea towel.

Click here to see our complete biology range.