Tips to grow your confidence for science technicians

Science technicians like you are amazing. You make sure that practicals run safely and smoothly. You are an integral part of the wider science department team, which inspires a life long love of science in students. Yet often we meet technicians who would like to grow their confidence to help them day to day in the prep room.

Why do you need to grow your confidence?

The prep room is a vital part of science learning. Even some teaching staff lack confidence and call on you to help them out. On top of this, practicals must be delivered safely. It is a huge responsibility, you need to manage your time well and be assertive. Because sometimes you simply have to say no.

Has the imposter moved in?

You may have heard of ‘imposter syndrome’. This is a lack of confidence in your own ability and a feeling that your skills and knowledge and qualifications are through sheer luck. You may find yourself asking ‘why am I entrusted to run this prep room?’ and feeling as if you don’t deserve the responsibility.

It is perfectly normal to have a ‘bad day’, but if this is your feeling day in day out, then the imposter has moved in. You are not alone in dealing with the imposter; up to 70% of people have been affected at some point.

Success invites the imposter, so the likelihood is that if you have recently had a promotion, been given more responsibility, or have passed a course or qualification. Confidence is the one thing that positively repels them.

Tips to grow your confidence

The good news is that you can banish the imposter from your prep room and life with a few simple steps to grow your confidence. By doing this, you are also helping your wellbeing and ultimately the running of the prep room and labs.

Identify what is affecting your confidence

Rather than ‘everything’, identify the crux of the issue, so you can focus on what to concentrate on.

Talk about it

Share your thoughts with colleagues, friends or family. A problem shared is a problem halved.

Remember – you earned it

Your success is down to your hard work and experience, not luck.

Change your thoughts and words

Use more assertive phrases such as ‘I can’ rather than ‘I can’t’. Think of alternatives rather than ‘I think’ such as ‘it is’ or ‘it works by doing this…’. And say no when you need to.

Take a look at your journey to date

Reflecting on your career progress, qualifications and learnings will help show how far you have come. Even updating your CV every now and again can help build confidence.

Go for an external validation

For example CPD with a professional body, or a quality mark for your team such as Technical Champions. Having someone outside of your immediate circle recognizing your skills and knowledge shows confidence in you.

Help others out

Newly qualified teaching staff will really value your expertise early in their careers. Experienced teaching staff value your input too. And this will show you how much you actually know.

And celebrate your successes

Promotion, new skill, new certificate for the wall…. Treat yourself to recognise your hard work and grow your confidence even further.

Tell us about your tips for growing confidence for science technicians

Perhaps there is something that works for you that we have not included on this list. Tell us all about it on our Twitter and Facebook pages. Who knows, you could even help another technician along the way!